H2C is manufactured in its own factory, so it has reasonable prices and
high-quality metal products In addition, we are continuing to deliver
differentiated quality we are developing new technologies.
We make you satisfy
from design to produce.
The H2C design uses advanced materials for the highest quality.
From design to material, we provide satisfaction to our customers.
H2C is manufactured in its own factory, so it has reasonable prices and
high-quality metal products In addition, we are continuing to deliver
differentiated quality we are developing new technologies.
The production of acetate rim is subject to many incidental processes,
so it is produced in China There are many cases. Since 2013, H2C has started
to improve product completeness All processes are being carried out in Korea.
We use Widesor Rim for high-end metal frames in Italy It is imported
from Aurochim and used. Founded in 1977 H2C has been acting as a domestic
distributor for Orochim since 2013.
TR90, We are developing and producing products using eco-friendly plastic materials
in accordance with the material trend as well as ultra-tem products.